This year we will be bringing back this fan-favorite conference from March 22-24, 2023 at Camp Chingachgook on Lake George, NY! The conference is a great opportunity to connect with others and share ideas and skills from your professional experience. Registration is now open and we hope you can join us!
We will be offering limited, shared cabin lodging at Camp that you can select during the registration at the link above.
Hotel Room Blocks are also available:
Fort William Henry Premium - $149/night- call 518-668-3081 and state booking is for the Food/Maintenance Conference at YMCA Camp Chingachgook
Courtyard Mariott Lake George - $139/night, Book online here.
Best Western Lake George - $84/night, Book online here.
Call for Speakers!
Do you have a topic you want to share at this year's conference? Submit to be a speaker this year here. Sessions from industry professionals and experts like you are what makes this conference so unique and valuable! Plus, all conference speakers get a discounted rate to attend the whole conference.
Interested in presenting at this year's conference but don’t know what topic you want to bring? No worries! We've got you covered with some topics we are looking for based on requests from previous conference attendees:
Paint and stains for wood, interior, and exterior
Taking care of water and well systems
Road repair and maintenance
Green Initiatives
Capital Project Selection
Food Service:
Taking single-serve recipes and adapting them for larger groups
Styles of cooking techniques
Menu Planning for dietary restrictions
Cooking demonstrations
The importance of meal togetherness
How to be creative with your menu